
Organizing an event in times of COVID-19

By February 15, 2022 No Comments

The last few months have been particularly difficult for the organization of events, due to COVID-19 and the pandemic we are suffering.

Organizar un evento en nueva normalidad COVID - 19The adoption of important containment measures, both individually and collective, is having a negative impact on the world of events and entertainment, which has been subject to severe restrictions since the beginning of the pandemic..

For this reason, professionals in this sector are constantly looking for alternatives, in order to continue offering event organization services in a responsible manner and in accordance with all the sanitary measures of this so famous new normality.

If you are planning an event and you need to know more information about this topic, continue reading, because we are going to explain all the recommendations and tips forto organize a safe event in times of COVID-19..

Recommendations and Regulations Spain Gov.

According to the document published by the Government through the Ministry of Health, we have extracted the most important recommendations to be followed when organizing an event, in the context of the new normality..

First of all, it should be made clear that these tips must be adapted to possible changes in the epidemiological situation of each autonomous community, province, municipality or territorial unit in which they are to be developed.

The first thing to do is to evaluate the type of event we are going to carry out, taking into account the following aspects:

  • The number of attendees, place of origin and personal characteristics.
  • Characteristics of the place where it will be developed: size of the site, whether it is covered or open air, access to the health system, etc.
  • The expected interaction between the people who will attend.
  • The expected duration of the event.

Once we have assessed and defined these aspects, we proceed to establish the measures to reduce the risk of contagion. These measures must be implemented in the different phases of the organization of the event or activity.

In the planning phase we must:

    • Establish an action plan to deal with the appearance of possible cases and ensure that we have the necessary resources to carry it out.
    • Offer the possibility of holding the event virtually or provide the option of live streaming, in order to reduce the capacity to a minimum.
    • Relax ticket refund policies to encourage people who are ill or have symptoms not to attend the event.
    • Implement systems that allow for the registration and identification of participants, in compliance with personal data protection regulations.

In the operational phase we must:

    • Adapt the place where the event takes place: reinforcing cleaning and disinfection protocols, improving ventilation, signaling common spaces to maintain distances, ensuring the availability of water and soap, or hydroalcoholic solutions, installing screens where distance cannot be maintained, etc.
    • Establish staggered arrival and departure times, as well as the use of common areas.
    • Ensure coordination and communications with surveillance and warning systems.

In the post-event phase we must:

    • Maintain communication and cooperation with interested parties, especially with the regional health authorities, so that the exchange of information is rapid, in case any positive case associated with the event appears.

In addition to these recommendations, we will also have to consider the cancellation of the event if the situation is serious, because the risk of contagion will be higher.

G20 Councils

As professionals in the sector, in this complicated situation, we always advise you to weigh all the pros and cons before carrying it out and to evaluate all the options that are emerging and that are currently in great demand.

Online Events

One of these options are online events, as they allow you to be in contact with your customers in a fast and secure way.

If you want to know more about this type of events, you can consult this post.

How to organise an Online Event?

On-site Events

But if you still think that the best option is face-to-face events, because you consider that they offer many more advantages, you should take into account all the above recommendations.

In this other post you can learn more details about this type of events:

How to organise a face-to-face event?

All these recommendations allow us to continue organizing events in a safe way and minimizing risks as much as possible if implemented correctly.

If after reading this article you have any doubts or you need us to help you implement prevention and control measures so that your event is safe and complies with all sanitary measures, contact us and don’t worry about it.

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